Turkey has emerged as a key player in the global plastic recycling industry, thanks to its strategic location and growing domestic market. The country has been actively investing in plastic recycling infrastructure, striving to increase its capacity for producing high-quality recycled plastic granules. This article presents an analysis of Turkey's plastic recycling granule capacity and potential, based on the 2020 industry data.

  1. Recycling Capacity and Growth:

In 2020, Turkey's plastic recycling industry showcased significant growth, with an estimated annual recycling capacity of over 1 million metric tons. This capacity represents a substantial increase from previous years, highlighting the country's ongoing commitment to enhancing its recycling infrastructure and promoting a circular economy.

  1. Domestic Plastic Waste Generation:

According to 2020 data, Turkey generated approximately 5 million metric tons of plastic waste annually. This figure underscores the immense potential for further growth in the country's plastic recycling industry. With the proper investment in recycling facilities and public awareness campaigns, Turkey can capitalize on this potential, transforming its plastic waste into a valuable resource.

  1. Plastic Recycling Rates:

The 2020 industry data revealed that Turkey recycled approximately 20% of its plastic waste, a figure that, while still relatively low, indicates progress in recent years. The country has set ambitious recycling targets, aiming to increase its plastic recycling rate to 35% by 2023. To achieve this goal, Turkey will need to continue investing in its recycling infrastructure and encouraging the adoption of eco-friendly practices among its population.

  1. Export Market:

Turkey has become a major exporter of recycled plastic granules, with the 2020 data indicating that the country exported around 300,000 metric tons of recycled plastic granules. The European Union is Turkey's primary export market for recycled plastics, owing to its proximity and the EU's stringent environmental regulations. By focusing on producing high-quality recycled granules that meet European standards, Turkey can further solidify its position as a significant player in the global plastic recycling market.


Turkey's plastic recycling granule capacity and potential have grown significantly in recent years, as evidenced by the 2020 industry data. The country's ongoing commitment to enhancing its recycling infrastructure and increasing its recycling rates presents a promising outlook for the future of its plastic recycling industry. By continuing to invest in this sector and aligning its practices with global sustainability trends, Turkey can effectively contribute to the global effort to reduce plastic waste and promote a more sustainable future.
